Roblox for Kids
Learn how to play and create experiences on Roblox
What is Roblox?
Roblox is a platform millions of people worldwide use to play and create experiences. Experiences can be anything from games to explorations or even virtual concerts.
Roblox is fun but also offers immense educational benefits. Kids can become skilled Roblox developers, scripters, game designers, and creators by learning how to create and code their own experiences using Roblox Studio. By playing some of the experiences, children get to build creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. They can also collaborate with others while playing these experiences. Elevate your child’s digital journey with our educational Roblox course today.

Roblox courses on earlySTEMer
earlySTEMer is Nigeria’s #1 Online Coding School for kids where they can learn how to code, including using Roblox.
- 6 years+
Exploring Roblox
- Moving
- Camera control
- Building
- Avatar customization
- 10 years+
Roblox Build & Code - Basic Obby
- Adding and Moving parts
- Editing parts
- Object properties
- Forever loop
- 10 years+
Roblox Build & Code - Advanced Obby
- Functions
- Events
- Destroy players
- Cloning
Start Learning Roblox Now!
Register your child for a self-paced learning plan or instructor-led class so that they can start learning how to use Roblox.